Science Tools
Science links!
GALE Student Resources Data Base Scroll down to "Science & Health" to choose a topic.
SCIENCE DAILY is best known for showcasing the top science news stories from the world’s leading universities and research organizations. These stories are selected from among dozens of press releases and other materials submitted to ScienceDaily every day, and then edited to ensure high quality and relevance.
KIDS DISCOVER You will have to sign up to use, but it is free.
Biodigital Human: This tool is an interactive 3D environment providing a stunningly realistic way to examine the human body. Students can explore and manipulate the 3D images as they zoom in and out of the various layers of anatomical animations. Descriptions of health conditions related to each system of the human body are included.
Requires registration, but is free.
Molecular Workbench: Molecular Workbench is a free, open source environment providing visual, interactive computational experiments for teaching and learning science.
Phet: PhET is a collection of science and math interactive computer simulations. With over 200 million simulations delivered to date, students learn through exploration in an animated, game-like environment. Play with existing simulations or run simulations on this engaging, interactive site.