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Social Science

Social Science Courses

Social Science Courses

10th Grade - Sophomore

World History 10
Prerequisite: None
 Students in grade 10 study major turning points that shaped the modern world from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. They trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations. They extrapolate from the American experience that democratic ideals are often achieved at a high price, remain vulnerable, and are not practiced everywhere in the world. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political, economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.
AP European History
Prerequisite:None; Counselor approval
The study of European history since 1450 introduces students to cultural, economic, political, religious, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world in which they live. In addition to providing a basic narrative of events and movements, the goals of the AP program in European History are to develop (1) an understanding of some of the principle themes in modern European History, (2) an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical interpretation, and (3) an ability to express historical understanding in writing. *All students enrolled in AP Social Science classes are expected to take the AP Exam for the course.

11th Grade - Junior

12th Grade - Senior